Cabo Verde

The ecosystem

Cabo Verde, also known as Cape Verde, has a relatively advanced digital ecosystem compared to many other African countries, particularly considering its small size and island geography. Here’s an overview of the digital landscape in Cabo Verde:

1. Connectivity and Infrastructure
– Internet penetration: Approximately 60-65% of the population
– Mobile network: 4G widely available across the islands
– Fiber optic: Submarine cables connect the islands and provide international connectivity

2. Mobile Technology Adoption
– High mobile phone penetration
– Growing smartphone usage
– Mobile banking and payment solutions gaining popularity

3. Tech Sector
– Emerging startup ecosystem, with focus on the main islands
– Government efforts to position Cabo Verde as a tech hub
– Challenges in scaling due to small market size

4. E-commerce and Fintech
– Growing e-commerce sector, though limited by the small market
– Fintech solutions emerging, particularly in remittances and payments
– Adoption of digital banking services

5. Government Policy
– Strong government support for digital transformation
– “Digital Cabo Verde” strategy to promote ICT development
– E-government initiatives well underway

6. Challenges
– Limited local market size for tech products and services
– Reliance on imported technology and expertise
– Need for more advanced digital skills in the workforce

7. Education and Digital Skills
– Integration of ICT in education at various levels
– University programs in computer science and related fields
– Need for more specialized tech training programs

8. Innovation and Research
– Focus on developing solutions for island nations and small states
– Research initiatives in renewable energy and marine technologies
– Collaborations with international universities and research institutions

9. Social Media and Online Content
– High social media usage
– Growing local content creation, though limited by market size
– Diaspora connections driving some digital content consumption

10. Sector Applications
– Tourism: Digital solutions for the tourism industry, a key economic sector
– Agriculture: Some AgriTech initiatives, particularly in water management
– Renewable Energy: Digital solutions for energy management and sustainability

11. Cybersecurity
– Growing awareness of cybersecurity issues
– Government efforts to improve national cybersecurity framework
– Collaboration with international partners on cybersecurity initiatives

12. Telecommunications Market
– Competitive telecom sector with multiple operators
– Ongoing investments in improving network infrastructure across the islands

Key strengths of Cabo Verde’s digital ecosystem:
– Political stability and good governance supporting digital development
– Strategic location for connecting Africa, Europe, and the Americas
– High literacy rate and education levels compared to regional averages

– Limited local market size constraining growth of local tech companies
– Need for more investment in advanced digital skills development
– Dependence on external technologies and expertise

Cabo Verde’s digital ecosystem is notable for its progress given the country’s small size and island geography. The government’s commitment to digital transformation and the country’s strategic location position it well for future growth. There’s potential for Cabo Verde to become a digital services hub, particularly in areas like fintech, e-governance, and digital solutions for small island developing states.


Ministries & Agencies

Agência Reguladora Multissetorial da Economia (ARME), criada ao abrigo do Decreto-lei nº 50/2018, de 20 de Setembro e enquanto autoridade administrativa e independente, desempenha a atividade administrativa de regulação técnica e económica dos setores das comunicações, energia, água e transportes coletivos urbanos e interurbanos de passageiros.

A ARME goza, ainda, de autonomia administrativa, financeira e patrimonial.
