
The ecosystem

The digital ecosystem in Liberia is gradually developing, though it faces significant challenges. Here’s an overview of the current situation:

1. Connectivity and Infrastructure
– Internet penetration: Around 20-25% of the population
– Mobile network: 3G and 4G available in major cities, but coverage is limited
– Fiber optic: Limited, mostly in Monrovia and some other urban areas

2. Mobile Technology Adoption
– Growing smartphone usage, particularly in urban areas
– Mobile money services gaining popularity (e.g., Orange Money, Lonestar Cell MTN Mobile Money)
– Increasing use of mobile apps for basic services

3. Tech Sector
– Emerging startup ecosystem, primarily in Monrovia
– A few tech hubs and innovation centers (e.g., iLab Liberia)
– Challenges in accessing funding and technical expertise

4. E-commerce and Fintech
– Nascent e-commerce sector with a few local platforms
– Growing adoption of mobile banking and payment solutions
– Challenges in logistics and digital payment infrastructure

5. Government Policy
– National ICT policy aims to improve digital infrastructure
– E-government initiatives in early stages
– Focus on improving regulatory framework for digital businesses

6. Challenges
– Significant digital divide between urban and rural areas
– Unreliable electricity supply affects digital service provision
– Limited digital literacy among the general population
– Post-conflict recovery still impacts overall development

7. Education and Digital Skills
– Growing emphasis on ICT education in schools and universities
– Limited availability of advanced digital skills training programs
– Initiatives to promote coding and tech entrepreneurship among youth

8. Innovation and Research
– Emerging focus on developing solutions for local challenges
– Limited R&D infrastructure and investment

9. Social Media and Online Content
– Increasing social media usage, particularly among urban youth
– Limited local content creation and digital media industry

10. Sector Applications
– Agriculture: Early-stage development of AgriTech solutions
– Health: Some initiatives in mobile health and telemedicine
– Education: Growing interest in e-learning platforms

11. Cybersecurity
– Developing cybersecurity framework
– Need for increased awareness and capacity building in digital security

12. Telecommunications Market
– Several mobile operators competing in the market (e.g., Lonestar Cell MTN, Orange Liberia)
– Efforts to improve telecom infrastructure and services

Liberia’s digital ecosystem is still in a developmental stage, with significant room for growth. The country has made progress since the end of its civil conflicts, but still faces challenges in terms of infrastructure, digital literacy, and creating an enabling environment for digital innovation.

Key opportunities for development include:
– Expanding mobile internet coverage and adoption
– Developing digital skills among the population
– Encouraging local tech entrepreneurship
– Implementing e-government services to improve efficiency and transparency
– Leveraging digital solutions for key sectors like agriculture, health, and education

International organizations and partnerships play a crucial role in supporting Liberia’s digital development, providing expertise, funding, and capacity-building initiatives.


Ministries & Agencies

The Ministry of Posts and the Digital Economy defines and coordinates the implementation of State policy in the fields of posts and the digital economy. It deals with issues relating to the development and promotion of postal activities.
